My Harry Potter Opinions No One Asked For ✌
This post is basically full of small opinions and answers that aren't big enough to fit in a single post. Enjoy!
Is Severus Snape Good or Bad? Do I Like Him? (Opinion)
I have mixed opinions on this. Snape is one of the bravest characters in the entire series, and I admire him for that, but there are instances which make me dislike him a little a lot. For example, that one time in Goblet of Fire when Malfoy and Harry were bickering, and their hexes hit Crabbe and Hermione. Hermione's front two teeth started to grow at a rapid rate, and when Snape saw them, he said "I see no difference". SERIOUSLY SNAPE HOW DARE YOU. Not to mention how he took points off of Gryffindor for stupid reasons (like Hermione being an "insufferable know-it-all") I admire his bravery, but I don't like how he favours certain students and throws hurtful and snide remarks toward others.
Do I Like The Cursed Child? (Opinion)
Absolutely not. It is not worthy of being called the "eighth story". It is exactly like many people described. An abysmally written fanfiction.
First of all, JK ROWLING SMASHED ALL THE TIME TURNERS IN THE FIFTH BOOK FOR A REASON. That reason is that time turners create problems! I don't even understand how they managed to get hold of TWO time turners.
And, how do Albus and Scorpius manage to not face the consequences of anything at all, basically.
Also, it doesn't make sense for Voldemort to have a daughter, because it is described in the books that he preferred to operate without friends and companions. He liked to be powerful and independent. Delphi doesn't make sense then. I can go on ranting about this play, but I'll stop here.
In conclusion, the Cursed Child is 🚮
Why don't more people like Harry as a character? (Opinion)
No one ever says their favourite character from Harry Potter is Harry. Why? Some people see him as an angsty and moody teenager who is ready to burst at any moment. Many teenagers have mood swings and all that. It is perfectly normal and THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT. WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF THE MOST POWERFUL DARK WIZARD OF ALL TIME WAS TRYING TO KILL YOU, HUH? MAKE TEA?
Which Position would I play on Quidditch team?
I think I would be a seeker, because I've noticed that I can catch moving/falling objects from the air pretty fast. Whenever there's a mosquito buzzing around me, I'm able to enclose it in my fist in an instant. 🦟
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