The Real Reason Voldemort was Destroyed when he tried to kill Harry

Everyone in the Harry Potter fandom likes to make fun of Voldemort and how he often failed at things and got them wrong. Like, why are his horcruxes so unique and noticeable? He should've made them into, I dunno a clock and hung it in Malfoy Manor or something. No one would try to stab an innocent clock with a Basilisk fang, and Voldemort would've survived (not that I wanted him to). The time he went to Godric's Hollow to kill Harry Potter was when he made another one of his dire mistakes.  

You might've noticed how oaths and vows are of great importance in the wizarding world. They are not mere statements or promises, which can be broken without any consequences, rather actual oaths which form a magical bond between the two people involved.  The last book in the series revealed that Snape pleaded Voldemort to spare Lily, and Voldemort actually TRIED  doing that. Notice how he killed James mercilessly without regret and told Lily to 'stand aside'. He meant for her to live. But Lily made the ultimate sacrifice of herself for her son, meaning that the oath had been broken, and the next curse Voldemort cast brought by his own end, and he wouldn't have survived if it wasn't for his horcruxes. In conclusion, it was Voldemort's own fault Harry survived, not anyone else's. 

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