Was Molly Weasley's Soul Ripped Apart when she killed Bellatrix?

In the Half-Blood Prince, we got to know that killing rips the soul apart. The books are scattered with the deaths of both our favorite characters (FRED 😭) and straight up gits (Crabbe).  Ever since I read that book, I've always wondered: was Molly Weasley's soul ripped apart when she killed Bellatrix in the Battle of Hogwarts? Or, as a matter of fact, were the souls of Snape, and several Aurors ripped apart too?

I thought of an answer to this (with the help of my Language & Literature teacher 😁) and I've concluded that it depends on the cleanliness of the both the victim's and killer's souls. For example, Bellatrix obviously didn't have a clean soul, and when Molly finished her off, I think that there are 2 possibilities. 

  • Molly's soul mustn't have been ripped apart because she didn't regret killing Bellatrix and destroying her filthy soul. I think that she would've been elated.
  • If Molly's soul was indeed ripped apart, then it repaired itself, because it was sparkly clean and erased a grimy, stained spirit.

I think a different concept applies towards Snape and Dumbledore. I remember the books mentioning that Snape had a damaged soul. But I reckon his soul wasn't ripped apart at all because he was merely following orders of his master and not acting of his own accord. 

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