My hot takes on Popular HP Theories 🍵
Is Harry Potter Immortal?
Many Potterheads have heard the "Harry is Immortal" theory. The theory states that Harry is actually immortal and will never die because the prophecy indicates that Harry and Voldemort can only die at the hands of one another. This is my take on theory
HARRY IS NOT IMMORTAL. The Prophecy was only useful because it determined who (allegedly) had the power to vanquish Voldemort, and who would be marked as his equal. The Prophecy doesn't determine whether Harry is immortal or not, because Harry is a human being, and will suffer a natural death, like a normal human being.
Severus Snape Actually Never Died?!
This is a really good theory, to be honest. The evidence provided is that Snape's corpse was never mentioned and that he didn't reappear when Harry used The Resurrection Stone in
Is Minerva McGonagall a Death Eater?
Yes that's right, McGonagall is the Death Eater who hung around Dumbledore the accomplished Legilimens for nearly 30 years. Also, I'm actually Taylor Swift.
Ron is Actually a Time-Travelling Dumbledore?
NO. That is not true. If Ron was a time-travelling Dumbledore, then Ron wouldn't be able to complete his life. The fact that they both share a liking for sweets doesn't prove that they're the same person, please TT.
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