Umbridge is actually an animagus 😲

I don't know about you but I've always wondered how many more unregistered animagi have existed ever since I read Order of the Phoenix. The only unregistered animagi we know of are James Potter, Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew, and Rita Skeeter. But wait, what if there are more?
What if Umbridge was one?

So I've done my research, and I found out that your Patronus and Animagus are likely to be the same, like James and Sirius for example. Now, we saw that Umbridge has a cat Patronus

during Mrs. Cattermole's trial, but we shouldn't jump to conclusions from there. Patronuses can change (like Tonks') but your Animagus form can't, so there's a possibility that one's Patronus and Animagus are different.  

Your Animagus is determined from your personality and traits. For example, James' Animagus form is a stag, and stags tend to aid others and are visionaries, like James. Now I'd describe Umbridge as bold and daring (the centaurs say hello). You know which animal is also bold and daring? A toad. Umbridge can transform into a toad at will. 🐸

Now, here's why I think Umbridge is actually an Animagus. Remember that time when Filch cornered Harry at the Owlery and said that someone tipped him off that Harry was placing a massive order for Dungbombs? We later came to know that it was Umbridge who did that, in order to read whatever Harry was sending out, but how did she know that Harry had even written a letter? What if she had transformed into a toad and was innocently croaking around the castle and spying on people she despised? What if she sometimes randomly came up to Neville, and he, thinking it was Trevor, took her up to the Gryffindor Common Room? I think it is possible that she could be an unregistered Animagus. She doesn't mind breaking the law even though she works at the Ministry. Remember the time when she nearly Crucioed Harry?

Fun Fact: [Redacted] because I was an idiot and put in something which was, in fact, not a fact.


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