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Why The Triwizard cup Portkey worked twice

  Welcome back to me getting pressed on about flaws in a fictional universe. Today, I'll be ✨explaining✨ why the Triwizard Cup in the 4th book worked as a Portkey two times.  So, after Harry and Cedric touched the Triwizard Cup together, they were both transported to the graveyard where Voldemort's father (a muggle) was buried. After Wormtail got rid of Cedric, he revived Voldemort. Then of course Harry and Voldemort dueled, Harry got away, and touched the Portkey to go back to Hogwarts. But, here're 2 things which have always bothered me.  1. How did the Portkey work twice? Every other example in the books shows them working only once. 2. How did the Portkey transport Harry to the entrance of the maze, and not the center, where it was originally placed?   Portkeys are supposed to work one way right? In Quidditch Through the Ages , we see an example of a Quidditch foul, which involved turning the broom of the referee into a Portkey, which caused him to turn up in the...

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